Bella for Dogkisses

Hello, Dear Readers!

I’ve been blessed with a dog!  Her name is Bella.  She’s a beauty and sweet as strawberry pie.

Bella's pretty eyes

Bella is a small dog with long legs.  She weighs all of 15 pounds.  Some days, 15 and a half!  Yet, for such a little girl, she sure fills my heart with love.

My most recent post was a long time ago.  I had a wonderful dog then too, named Roscoe.  He had to go live with a new family.

Roscoe is doing great in his new home.  He moved to the coast, where he lives with a terrific family and three other dogs. 

Roscoe’s new parents have a designated room, a pantry they call it, for dog treats.  That says a lot.  Roscoe has a good life.

After more than a year without dog hairs in my home or the sound of paws prancing on the floors, I started to wonder if I would ever get another dog.

Eventually, I started looking at photos online.  Late nights, when I couldn’t sleep, I’d scroll through what seemed like and probably was, thousands of photos.

I heard about Bella before I saw her.  I knew in my heart that I’d probably adopt her the first time I heard her name and I was right.  

Bella was in a training program, A New Leash on Life, in Spindale, North Carolina.  She lived with her trainer, an inmate at a minimum security correctional facility.  

Puppy Bella 

Sometimes, I tell her about Roscoe or one of her other predecessors.  Mostly, Bella and I have our own unique experiences and adventures together. 

I love her to peices, of course.  I’m very proud of Bella too.  She sits like she’s been to the finest training school in the world.  Maybe she has! 

Bella goes everywhere with me.  She makes people smile and laugh pretty much every time we venture out into the world together. 

Bella’s trainer taught her to dance.  He taught her a lot, such as how to jump through hoops and the important skills too, like how to heel, sit, and stay. 

Bella is my emotional supoort animal (ESA), but she’s also a Therapy dog.  She won a blue ribbon!  She loves and I mean loves making people happy!  I adore this about Bella.  

Bella, my little beauty

Ms. Bella

I needed this dog.  She’s my best friend and makes me hope for a long life together.  

Thank you for visiting “Dogkisses.”  

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7 responses to this post.

  1. I love that. That is so beautiful. What you wrote touched my heart. Congratulations to Bella.

    Also I love your photos of her.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Thank you! I love when my writing touches a heart. That’s a wonderful feeling to have. Bella says thanks, yet I may be the truly lucky one 🙂 She’s so pretty that the camera automatically captures her beauty.

      Liked by 1 person


  2. Posted by Marc on September 9, 2020 at 5:36 PM

    Congrats! She´s so sweet! ❤ ❤ ❤ Sure you will be very happy!

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Gee, it is so good to read this post. I had totally forgotten about your blog as it seems that I had maybe only commented once or you had visited my blog once. Anyway, I am not sure since I had a hard time trying to get to a place where I could comment. I have no idea why WP was being cantankerous but I went to Google to get back to your blog

    I must say that Bella is a looker and you are lucky to have such a pretty dog that is so well trained. The prison programs for training dogs is wonderful. Bella looks to be part Chihuahua, Min Pin and maybe some Pug. But maybe she is all Min Pin. I might be way off on her breed make up though.

    At any rate, I so hope that you are feeling better and that now, you will have the incentive to write about Bella and your days and adventures or what ever is going on in your life.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hello petspeopleandlife!

      I’m glad you saw my post and especially that you found a way back! Perhaps my blog needs an update. Commenting should be easy. Thanks for being persistent!

      It’s been such a long time since I’ve blogged. I’m tired a lot, still, but I hope this post may be a good sign that I can do it again soon.

      I also remember visiting your blog.

      Yes, Bella is a pretty dog! She’s part Chihuahua and, I’m not sure! The adoption folks said Mountain Fiest but she has that thin mid section shaped like a greyhound. She’s sure fast! Some people have speculated Min Pin thou. Never Pug but maybe!

      She’s sure got a lot of personality! I may have spoiled her some but she is most often very well behaved for me! This allows her many adventures.

      Thanks again for visiting ❤️

      Liked by 1 person


  4. How sweet Bella is Michelle, and I can see just how much she means to you my friend.. And how happy she makes you..
    Wonderful to know you and she are united ❤
    Much love your way ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue, yes, she is terribly sweet! I love her. And she seems okay with me as well 😌

      Bella definitely has a unique personality. Like now, she’s lying beside me, but kinda upside down hiding her head and half her body under the covers. So sweet, she rests her head on my knee.

      Thank you dear Sue for coming over to read. It’s been so long since I’ve written or communicated here.

      your friend, Michelle.



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