Horticultural Family Time

Horticultural Family Time

Green Healing Happening at Home

6 responses to this post.

  1. Sending you both a Green Healing Hug. and Ditto, I bought some bedding plants today for my hanging baskets and Perchased some just like this one.. But dont ask me its name, There are in the green house at the moment and will plant them out tomorrow.. Love and Healing thoughts to you Michelle.. xxxx



    • Hi Sue, Thank you! I didn’t have much time, and wanted to communicate. I love your new avatar btw! How beautiful you are! 🙂

      I don’t know the name of that plant either. I think it’s pretty though, and we planted a little Thyme on the side of the container. I hope yours grows pretty!

      We’re getting ready for a big storm, so I must go out and put things away.

      Love and Healing thoughts to you too, xoxoxo

      PS I will come catch up on your writing as soon as I can. I look forward to seeing your recipes and healing herbs, as well as what you’ve been writing.

      Peace my dear friend 🙂



      • Wishing you well Michelle and Hope the storm passes and there isnt any damage done.. The Rain and Hail storms even in UK are getting more stronger and causing damages.. Enjoy your weekend.. Sue xx And thank you about the Photo! Hubby took it a couple of days ago.. especially for a blog post.. Hugs to you



        • Thank you Sue, You are so kind to think of me in the storms. Such love in your heart. I hope you have a very nice weekend too. I’m in extra pain, I guess the aftermath of stress, but hoping the weekend is relaxing. I also am looking forward to the time to visit your blog and catch up, esp., too so I can see the blog post for the photo.

          Hugs and Peace to you xoxoxo

          PS The storms weren’t bad, but the power is going off and on now. They said there was a tornado watch and I haven’t watched news for tonight again. We planted sunflower seeds today, so I hope they are okay.

          Love, Michelle.



          • Ditto about the Sundflower Seeds I planted some too, Two days ago!.. When you go onto my pages Herbs etc.. Look at Cinnamon and Honey I have started using for my stomach Ulcer and its improved no end.. and its good for pain too.. I use Manuka Honey High strength, which is quite expensive, but you can use a lower strength.. xxx Hugs xx



            • I love Cinnamon and Honey. Just yesterday my sister mentioned raw honey as my niece is using it as an antibiotic. Definitely want to learn more about Honey! I don’t have an ulcer, but my esophagus and stomach produces too much acid, and the lining gets inflamed. I’ll come over to your Herbs page and read. xoxo Hugs2U


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