Dogs and Trust

I think I might have writer’s block, but I’m not sure.  I do want to communicate and I have plenty to say, so I’m not sure why I am not writing more than I have been for the past several months.

With that said, I’d like to share just one photo with you today.  I’m not sure which one yet, but I’ll choose an image that will speak and say, “Me.  Share Me!”

sweet, sweet Ruthie

sweet, sweet Ruthie

Ruthie sure is a good friend to me. 

Most recently, I’ve learned that I have a difficult time trusting people.  I never thought I’d say that about myself.  I was always a trusting type of person.  

My dad used to tell me that, “People should earn your trust.” 

He was always saying how I trusted people too easily.  I wanted to be more free-spirited than I perceived he was.  I saw the good in people. 

Today, some twenty-plus years later, I understand why my dad used to tell me what he did.  I am much more like him now.  I understand too why he loved his dogs so much! 

Dogs are trustworthy animals. 

I wish my dad was alive to meet Ruthie.  He would like her.  He would try to teach her to hunt if I let him.  He’d say she’s shy. 

I’ve been pretty down and out lately, which is, I guess, why I was thinking about trust.  

After a few hard crying spells, I decided it was time to hug Ruthie.  She was lying on the floor next to my feet.  I figured she knew I was sad and I didn’t want her to feel that way. 

Ruthie has the softest fur I’ve ever felt on a dog, which makes petting her like eating a good potato chip, if you like chips.  You definitely want more than one. 

I sat there for a while, just being with Ruthie, when I realized that she is altogether trustworthy.  I may have a hard time knowing who to trust in this world, but I know I can trust my dog. 

I know Ruthie will never lie to me.  I know she will never mistreat me.  I know that as long as she is alive, she will be my dear friend.  She will always show her love.  She will certainly never abuse me.

I decided, upon this realization, to honor and not forget, what a very good friend my Ruthie is to me.

Thank you Ruthie! 

25 responses to this post.

  1. I loved reading this. Felt a kindered spirit.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. What a beautiful dog and a wonderful post. I have 3 dogs and each of them have different personalities and different levels of trust. I believe dogs are a great judge of character, of who people are inside. When I need someone a dog is always there to comfort me or just sit with me on the sofa. I can’t imagine a home without a dog in it. Thanks for sharing, Take care.



    • Hi Kathy!

      Thanks for stopping to comment. We sure do agree about dogs 🙂

      I wish I had at least two dogs. Ruthie would probably like another dog friend, since we lost our boy, Tiny, in January, but I guess I’ll know when the time is right. I might go volunteer this Fall at the Shelter and I have a feeling if I did that, surely I would meet the right dog for us.

      I can’t imagine a house without a dog either. Not at all.

      In the Spirit of Dogs and their awesome unconditional love and companionship,
      Well Wishes and do stop by again if you can.

      Michelle and Ruthie.



  3. Michelle, I missed this post, and so sorry that you felt so sad.. and alone,..I know how hard that feeling is to cope with.. and I am thankful you have your Ruthie to comfort you… Animals seem to know instinctively when we are down.. I know I have only had Cats.. but they too would know and come and purrrr their healing energy into me..

    I hope you are now on the UP and feeling stronger.. you have been through such a lot.. And I so want to give you some strength….
    I know Ruthie will help bring that to you.. as you trust in her… Also Trust that life will get better.. as you send out your silent prayers…….. know they are heard.. and solutions are coming.. we have to Trust sometimes in the Universe.. who sees the bigger plan than we do..
    Love and Healing my friend..
    Sue xox

    Liked by 1 person


    • Thank you Sue. You are a dear person and friend. I am doing okay, but still not so great. Times have been pretty hard for me and my son both together. I guess we both need a change. Yes, I am lucky to have sweet Ruthie, but I sure don’t like seeing her sad. She did get to play yesterday with her little dog friend and she liked that. She likes dogs a lot. I need to say prayers again Sue. I have almost given up on things, and that isn’t making me feel any better. Life just seems so unfair lately, and so it is hard to remember there is a bigger picture. Thank you for your healing energy and true words. I will try to come read on your Sanctuary very soon. I promise 🙂 Love and Hugs, Michelle and Ruthie.



      • Never give up!… In fact get mad with it.. and tell your body your need a life. Remember I think I told you how I would thump my pillow to get out all that pent up emotion we keep locked inside… Give it a try…….. OR Better Yet.. Do that Drumming you said you were going to try….
        sending you my heartfelt thoughts.. Love Sue xxx



        • Ha! You have read my mind. I used to never give up, so lately, I’ve been wondering where that part of me is!

          I have been practicing a bit of getting mad with it Sue. I tell the part of me that is without hope to please stand back, get behind me, because I do have things I want to do. And, I do have a pillow that was left out in the rain, so the only thing it’s good for now is to “thump.”

          I’m trying to get to the drumming circle. I have met two people who are drummers now. A couple who live just down the road. I hope to visit them soon and also, to drum with them! I had no idea but there is a drumming circle that meets near my home once a month. I hope to report soon that I’ve gone. I am trying to find my son a place to live, I guess. He wants to move out. He’s trying it out as I write, so we will see what the week has in store for him, and myself as well. I could use extra prayers, so thank you so much Sue. You are a wonderful friend to me!

          Your friend,
          Michelle xoxo Hugs2U



  4. Hello, dear, sweet Michelle!
    I’m so glad you and Ruthie have each other! Honestly, I think dogs were given to us mere humans as examples of what unconditional Love – ALL Love – should be like. I know they are the most understanding, caring, forgiving, and compassionate beings I have met. I’ve been blessed with more than a few really good ones, a one very special one who’s come back to me now a couple times. Someone’s waiting to come back to you – and you will know her when you look in her (or his) eyes.
    Know that you are Loved deeply and cared about and thought of often, even if I am wrapped up in the misery that is withdrawal. When are you going to come see me? Kodi wants to meet his girlfriend!
    Love you, sis!




    • Hi Dear Ash!

      I just lost my first reply to you. My desktop is down and I’m using my Netbook. It’s nice, but I’m not used to the keyboard or screen and it does things on it’s own. I hope this message makes it through.

      I’ve been thinking of you a lot. I sure hope things are going okay. I’m down with back spasms pretty badly, and have had to use more meds. I would love to call you soon if you feel like talking, or please give me a call anytime.

      I met a blogger! We had such fun. She came to NC to visit family and stopped by to see us. It was the first time either of us had met a blogging friend in person! We absolutely must meet, and then, we should meet at least yearly, you know, all of us!

      Time has consumed me lately, so that’s why I haven’t been on FB or anywhere really. Lots of stuff to do and with pain, when I don’t have something, then I’m trying to recover.

      Sweet sweet Ruthie is awesome isn’t she! (As I write, my neighbor who just moved in, has left her dog and I think it is eating the walls or something. Poor dog. I bet he’s in the bathroom or a cage. I don’t know why some people have dogs).

      Dogs are for sure animals to learn from. I wish humans acted more like they do. Their integrity is pure. I underestimate Ruthie’s ability to understand what is going on sometimes. I did it recently, and right away, was shown the error of my way. Dogs understand a great deal!

      Ruthie teaches me, by default of her personality I guess, that stress must be dealt with in healthy ways and if not, it will make you sick. This is a very hard lesson for me to learn, but wow, I was sent the most tender hearted loving being I could imagine to teach me this, which again, is how she teaches me. Tenderness teaches one to be more kind and compassionate. Sweet Ruthie!

      I look forward to seeing my friend again too. Maybe Ruthie will get a new friend…

      Thank you for sharing Ash, esp., while I know times are challenging. You are in my heart and I will say a prayer for your wellness my friend.

      The rain has stopped and we must go outside for a bit. I hope to talk soon. Ruthie would LOVE to meet her BO!!! Woof Woof

      Michelle (dogkisses)

      Liked by 1 person


  5. […] Dogs and Trust ( […]

    Birdwatching with Ruthie Mae



  6. I’ve been thinking of you a lot lately. The love and trust between furry friends/members of the family, is unconditional. I’m glad you have Ruthie and that Ruthie has you!
    Your photos tell lots of stories — from the heart, the soul, the artist’s eye. (((((hugs))))).
    I’m the better for your sharing green healing, your very expressive photographs, and your words when you feel like writing them.
    Can I come for a walk with you and Ruthie?



    • Hi Phylor! I’ve been thinking of you too. I hope you are doing well. I’ve been busy, off line some due to computer issues, and after doing chores, experiencing pain daily. I get so tired of that.

      I’m very lucky to have Ruthie, and I hope she is as glad to have me. I think she is. Today she mostly hung out with me in the yard, but we still need to go for a walk. I wanted to get a few plants in their containers. I saw many young Woodpeckers with their Mother. They like suet 🙂 Thank you for your comments about my photos. I love that you enjoy them!

      Yes, You can come for a walk with us! We would love that 🙂

      Hugs and Love to you my friend!



  7. Posted by LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words on June 4, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    even though through the sadness of mistrust…this is a wonderful post
    I trust my Maya….I know of no human I trust,,,,,but her and all my creatures at my zoo here
    I can trust….maybe thats all I need…
    wonderful photo of Ruthie….
    Take Care…
    You Matter…



    • Thank you maryrose! Such a dear sweet person you are! I wish I had a ‘zoo’ too! Ruthie would like another dog friend. We still miss our friend, Tiny, but I know he is resting and playing too. Maybe trusting Ruthie will be enough for me too. I admit, I’d like to trust people again. (Nothing like a storm of narcissists to wash away all that trust I once had). You take care too, and your words touch my heart today.

      With love and dogkisses,
      Michelle and Ruthie



      • Posted by LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words on June 5, 2013 at 10:19 PM

        My pleasure ….I have just finished a storm like that myself…
        keep writing thats how I get it all out….I don’t censor….
        my zoo is time absorbing, but I think it is what I am here to do….
        I too would like to trust people again, but for now I will stick with my companions of many shapes, sizes, colors and species ….and they are great listeners LOLs…
        Take Care…You Matter….



        • Hi maryrose,

          Thank you. I would like to see photos of your zoo. I’ll come visit you soon! Maybe I will be inspired. I got a ticket for parking in a fire lane, and to my surprise, the court says I can volunteer instead of paying the costs, which are outrageous. I’m going to the local animal shelter today. I almost didn’t as I’ve always thought I could never take working at one, but I am sort of looking forward to helping. I just don’t like it that some animals don’t make it, you know. My son doesn’t think he can afford a dog again, but I told him that we managed all this time with a dog (two dogs), and they really don’t cost that much.

          More animals means more ‘beings’ to trust! 🙂




  8. Dogs are particularly sensitive to our emotions, and trust us as much as we trust them. They are true and consistent. They provide stepping stones to bridge us to our human world.



    • Hi Becca! How are you? I hope well.

      Your words are beautiful, and true! Thank you for commenting Becca. I appreciate that very much!

      Off to walk sweet Ruthie now. We are a bit late tonight, but it is cool and should be nice. Hope to see you around again soon!

      Michelle (dogkisses)



  9. Posted by Tom on June 4, 2013 at 12:26 PM

    Dear michelle,
    I believe that i do understand why you are less trusting as time moves by. As this illness has changed me, I feel that i want less to do with other people. I have no desire to mix with others and explain. I believe that it would affect how others view me. I have absolutely no doubt that it would. it is easier to be only with my wife and just one son. they understand and don’t press me when I am sick. i believe that i wrote you once that this illness would not define me. I now know that that was naive thinking. my life is about waiting for the next pain pill to begin working. I am extremely analytical. I sometimes watch how I behave towards other people and how I am changing. i used to be very strong and in charge, but now I let Sally take charge. i think that my relationship with her is changing quickly, I smother her with affection. I think that that might be for two reasons, first that life has so little good feeling left that she is the only meaningful thing that I have. second is that i am not sure why she would stay in love with someone that has so little left to offer her now. to summarize i think that maybe we are just scared about what may come and how we will meet it. I don’t want to ramble but it is very hard to think of my tomorrows when life contains so little sunshine. I like to always stay positive but it is’nt always possible. Michelle, i hope that you will find people wothy of your trust, but nothing compares to the Pure. sweet, all-in kind of love that our dogfriends give us.
    always a friend, Tom

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hi Tom! So nice to read what you wrote. Thank you! I love the way you write me. I love your honesty and openness. I’m sorry though that you are enduring pain. I wish your meds were working better, but I sure know how it feels. I am going out to walk my dog now. She needs to go. Pain comes in big waves lately, like fire all over. To be honest, I hate the pain. I know there are lessons in it, but I could do without those, really. I’m sure I could find another way to learn those things. Also, I think you do have much to offer people, and as a husband. Your message to me proves that, I think. Honesty, openness, compassion (and we do get that from pain and illness), empathy, and more qualities that you obviously have are all there and someone is one lucky lady to be on the receiving end of that! Please take care of yourself the best you can, and do write me any time you feel like it okay. If ever you need to talk, write me at dogkisses 2 at g mail dot com. Thanks so much for sharing with me today.


      PS Hope you are getting plenty of love and doggie kisses from your ‘trusted’ furry friend.



  10. I believe that those who have passed stay in touch with their loved ones so I am convinced Dad knows Ruthie and is with you always. I also used to trust everybody but I think after you get hurt, one builds a wall around yourself and that’s ok. Write when you want to but I have to say I was so happy to read this. Lexi is sleeping on my leg right now, I am going to give her an extra hug and kiss! Love, Laurie



    • Hi Laurie, Your faith is beautiful. I hope my dad knows Ruthie, like you say. And, also like you say, walls are okay, as long as they don’t reach the sky 😉 I’m happy you read my post, and also that you were glad to see me write again. I hope to write more often. Thank you for being my friend and hope to chat with you soon.
      Love, Michelle (((hugs2u)))



  11. That’s beautifully expressed, DK.



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