Ruthie Mae’s Birthdays

Ruthie Mae is a happy dog!

My Companion Smiling

My sweet dog, Ruthie Mae, will have two birthday celebrations this year.  We recently enjoyed the first one, but at the end of the day, I realized her true birthday is most likely in early November.  As you can see from the photo (above), Ruthie was having fun.

We went to the awesome dog food and supply store, where people are only allowed inside because we must pay for our goods.

Ruthie’s favorite treat is a meat chew called a, “Bully Stick.”  The store stocks these chewy treasures in bins exactly the height of an average size dog’s nose.  I’m glad they don’t put the really big (and expensive) ones in those bins!

The dog park is on our way home from town so we stopped in, but it was late in the evening by then, so there was only one dog and he wasn’t social.  Darkness had set in and we went home.

I was happy to have accidentally celebrated with Ruthie.  We both needed time for fun and joy.  I’m excited to celebrate again in Fall.

Thank you for visiting my dogkisses blog.  My apologies for not being able to write more often.  Life is challenging me in several ways lately, but I am managing to have a little fun once in a while.  I hope to get my writing groove back before the year is over.

Here is a link to my other blog, Green Healing Notes, where I posted a photo of a pretty butterfly I saw a few days ago.


16 responses to this post.

  1. I can tell by her photo that Ruthie Mae is a wonderful friend.



    • Hi John!

      Ruthie’s smile sure says a lot. I love how expressive she is and esp., that she is a friend to me.

      Thanks for stopping by to comment John. I hope you are doing well.




  2. The great thing about unbirthdays is that you have 364 days (one more in a leap year) to celebrate. So, Ruthie Mae — happy birthday and unbirthday to you!



    • Ha ha! I’ve never thought of having an “unbirthday!” I opened an email from the Vet, saying Happy Birthday Ruthie. I don’t know if it was an old one, as I was deleting old messages, or if he got it wrong. She was approximately 7 months when she adopted me, and that was in May, 2006. Time sure does fly in a dog’s time, you know. We have so much more to do!

      Hugs and Love,



      • The unbirthday comes from Alice in Wonderland. If I remember correctly, it’s at the Mad Hatter’s tea party. I won’t bore you and your readers the historical significance of mad as a hatter (mad hatter).



        • Cool! I can’t believe I didn’t know that, but then, there is the memory issue. Now, I’m going to watch the movie again, which will be a treat! I do know about the mad hatter though).

          Warm Hugs and Dogkisses



  3. I agree, I think Ruthie should have Birthday Months! What a sweet dog for such a sweet and lovely friend. I miss you Michelle, but it’s nice to connect here at least. Love, Laurie and Lexi



    • Very true! We should celebrate every month! What fun we could have. I almost bought her a birthday cookie, but she got the Bully Stick herself off the shelf!

      I miss you too my friend, and Ash, so I hope to talk soon. I’m so out of touch, but you are always in the back of my mind.

      Michelle and Ruthie.



      • And I miss you both! Been going through a very rough patch, sweet Chelly, an emotional firestorm stirred up by PAWS (from quitting opioids) and it’s been quite the journey. It’s hard to hold a coherent train of thought for more than a few minutes at a time – wikipedia lists “cognitive impairment” as an effect of PAWs, but I already had that from ME/CFS! Add in the emotional rollercoaster… it’s been tough. I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you.
        I’m sure glad Ruthie is, though. What a sweetheart! I can feel her Love and devotion to you. ❤
        Sending all my Love to you and Laurie both, my dear sisters ~ we will get through this. Together!



        • Hi Ash! Thank you for writing. I know how hard it is when your brain won’t work right. I’ve been like that for over a year and it is super hard for me to accept, but I think I’ve been a wee bit better over the past two weeks. Still, concentrating is hard. For a while, I couldn’t read one paragraph or understand it enough to form a response. I have to pay bills today, and boy is that a hard task for me!

          I am surely worried about you, but I guess you are consulting with your doctors. I hope so. Mine, well, he never says anything no matter how bad I tell him I am. Just stress or fibro, he’ll say. I feel better knowing you have a good doc.

          I tried to fix my outdoor water hose yesterday, and today, my hands feel like bees stung them! (I’m allergic so that’s a lot of pain). What a life it is living with pain and all these symptoms we live with!

          Dogs rule don’t they! I wish Neil could get another dog. He mentions the expenses when I ask him. He wants a small dog. I like the Beagles.

          My friend in OH wants us to come see her. She has to start Chemo pretty soon, so I want to go before she does. Maybe, if you are up to it, we could stop to see you on our way home? If I can go that is! I wanted to take Ruthie on the train, but they say she must know one task that directly aids my disability. Not sure if she would be allowed. I wish so much she could. The train would be the way to go!

          Well, it is morning, therefore, I’ve written you a letter! I hope you see it.
          I love you my dear sister, and Laurie too. I hope she is doing alright.
          Wishing you and yours wellness, peace, healing and love.
          Gentle Hugs xoxo



  4. Posted by LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words on July 31, 2013 at 9:27 PM

    Happy Birthday Ruthie-Mae..!
    yes she does look like she is having fun!
    wonderful photo…
    Take Care…



    • Thanks maryrose!!! I’ll tell her.
      Thanks too for leaving me a comment 🙂
      Hugs and doggie kisses xoxo



      • Posted by LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words on July 31, 2013 at 11:35 PM

        you are very welcome…
        I hope things are well in your part of the world…
        I loved the butterfly photo on your other blog…
        they have really been around my flowers..I had damselflies today, yesterday I had a beautiful bright purple dragonfly,,I had never seen one that color here…
        Take Care,,,,



        • Well, things have been better maryrose, but they’ve been worse too. My son and I are just having the hardest times, and they continue. I hope we get a break soon. We both need to move, and get new healthcare providers. I sure do enjoy having time in nature and don’t know how I would get along without that. I have seen some beautiful damselflies and dragonflies too! I hope to share a few of those photos soon. You take care too, and I hope to be around more often in the near future.

          Much Love,
          Michelle and Ruthie.



          • Posted by LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words on July 31, 2013 at 11:51 PM

            I wish good things for you and your son…
            I know the struggles…I think I take a step forward and a tidal wave covers me the next moment..I lost my job…*sigh* but life goes on..surely a tuning point?
            Take Care Michelle I’ll whisper prayers on the wind tonight for us!



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