
From the woods, I heard a gentle “hooo.”

Oddly, my insides churned.  The sound of our resident owl during daylight hours was unfamiliar

Normally, the owl would call about three minutes after sundown.  I’d grown used to it since early springtime, at least after the bird found a mate and from the sound of things at night, they had made some baby owls.  From then on, the calls were dependable and predictable, but hearing the majestic bird during the afternoon hours didn’t make sense to me.

I felt a pending doom, which I found curious and strange.  I let it pass, I thought, and continued to prepare for guests in my new apartment.

The Resident Owl Daytime Hunter


I was tired and hungry.  My mood was fragile.

“How are you liking your new place?” one of my guests, John, asked me.

I was comfortable and pleased to see that I had arranged my living room furniture in a small circle because the intimate setting was perfect for the occasion.

My guests were friends from a small church where my son has gone for the past year.  I’ve gone a couple of times and attended a weekly small prayer group.  I like the people I’ve met through the church.  I especially like the young Deacon (and his beautiful wife), who will soon be a full priest of the small Anglican church.

My adult son and I met the Deacon rather mysteriously and most necessarily one early and difficult Sunday morning.  I believe it’s possible that our meeting him was a divine intervention.

The primary purpose of our recent gathering at my apartment, as well as my son’s place, was for prayers and a proper blessing of our homes.  The time was also, “Holy Week,” and the church members were reaching out to help people in need.

I was in need. 

“I’m having a hard time adjusting to the sounds and lights,”  I told John.

I started telling them about the owl’s soft call and that I had been uncomfortable that it called during the day.  Within moments, I was sobbing.

“I’ve never heard the owl call during the day,” I cried.  “I don’t understand.  Maybe something is wrong with the bird,” I told them.  I cried more.

John initiated the prayer time.  I was glad and grateful. 

He started a special healing prayer for me.  Each person said a prayer, and then I prayed for John.  He used, “holy water,” to bless each of us.

After we prayed, the elder walked around my apartment.  He said more prayers and sprinkled some type of salts on the floor of each door and near the windows.

My new place is in a flood zone.  Sixty eight families lost their homes in 2013, which is why the place was vacant.

The Deacon had a special water he used to bless the home and keep us safe from floods.

I can honestly say that I feel safer about the water than I did before.  I won’t leave my dog home alone when it rains and the floods might come again, but I believe we’ll be safe.

By the time the prayers and blessings were over, I was able to laugh about being upset over the owl’s timing.  However, the experience did leave me curious and a little concerned.

The owl’s calls soothe me, not simply because I like wildlife, but the predictability brings me solace. 

I get a similar feeling when I hear a nearby delivery truck every morning at the same time.

Thanks for visiting my blog, dogkisses. 

Note:  Since I wrote this post several weeks ago, where it stayed in my draft folder, a flood has come and it was not easy, but we stayed safe and my home was not damaged.  The grass is brown from the creek having risen like it did, intertwining itself, eventually into my yard, so that around midnight, my little corner where I call home was part of the current.


11 responses to this post.

  1. Hi Michelle, just catching you up and dropping off this link here for recipes you can make with Beetroot..

    Yes we boil around 5 medium size beets until just cooked and tender, Peel the skins off and then put 4or 5 depending on size into a blender, then add Apple juice to cover and half way up the blender not too much it will overspill when blending, add more apple juice to thin down if you wish… We blend until smooth, and store in the fridge.. You can add cinnamon too which is nice…. I just experimented.. So Yes why not experiment with the strawberries.. 🙂 Hope you find lots to do with your Beetroot via this site,,

    Love and Hugs Sue xx



  2. Loved reading about your owl and the nice get together you had with Friends. The picture is lovely.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Perhaps the owl had two tales to tell: a warning about the floods, and an affirmation that your participation in the church and the trust you have for the Deacon is right for you and your son.
    I hope the owl continues as a talisman for you. Owls have a magical side.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Yep, perhaps so, Phy. I do like the owl. It is almost playful! I think if I had a ball made of something yummy that owl’s like to eat it might play 😉

      Ruthie sure gave me a warning, and next time, I will listen. One of the neighbors told me her story of last year’s flood and I must say it was scary. She said it came into her bedroom within minutes, about four feet high. She had birds and cats, but the firefighters finally came to get her. Next time it rains heavy, I’m outta here, and when my lease is up, I must find a different place.

      Hugs to you Phy. Here’s to the magical side of Owls and my personal talisman.



      • Animals always seem to know in advance about storms, floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters.
        I have heard so many stores of animals (dogs included of course) reacting and warning.
        My father liked owls,and he and my mother had owls made out of different materials.
        The owl motif seems to be “in” as I see it everywhere.
        I’m glad you see the magical in owls. But then, you see the magical a lot.
        Can you break your lease due to the flood issues? That you weren’t sufficiently warned of the danger, and through neighbors you have learned just how bad the flooding can be? And, that a damp living environment is bad for your health issues? Just a thought so you could move along sooner.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Phylor, Hi, I used to have lots of Owl feathers, and even had a talon on a rope that was given to me by a community of Indians. Then later, another community of Indians we visited made me bury the talon. They said it was dark, and not good medicine. I never believed it was bad though.

          Upon reflection, I just thought Ruthie was being sensitive, as she always is, but now I know she knew that that rainstorm was different than the others. It was fast, hard and loud.

          And that owl! Well, it comes out so often, I don’t know what to think. Today, a neighbor was out all excited because it was sitting in the trees looking at him. He was afraid, he said, which I thought was strange. Then too, he had flowers on both his ears, so…

          I don’t know what to do about the flooding b/c they did warn me and I signed a paper saying I knew I was moving to a flood zone. I didn’t realize
          that every time it rains, literally, I have to beware. I don’t like that b/c it wears on my nerves. All my precious belongings are now in plastic tubs, where they will stay. Don’t like that and the temporary feel, and as far as health, well, mine is much worse here!

          I don’t know what all is happening. Can’t sleep with a sky that never gets dark. Told my landlord and he laughed, saying I was the “only person here with that problem.” Went to my doctor the next day (after five months of not sleeping), and also b/c of a new, severe pain/burning in my spine.

          Well, the doctor didn’t know what to do, did not examine my spine, and got angry when I reminded him that was my third visit about my spine and he has never yet looked at it or felt it. He walked out on me and so I never got to ask him for a letter asking if I could get out of my lease for medical reasons, particularly the sleep issue. That night, it flooded.

          sigh… It’s a predicament.



  4. Posted by LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words on May 23, 2014 at 2:45 PM

    I heard an owl while I was outside checking on my new goslings because I saw a hawk…
    then recused an ailing dog that one of the rescues was being mean too…so I haven’t sat down to think about owls and hawks…
    I am glad to know you are okay, as your companion of four legs…I live in a flood zone too,
    as much as I love storms, it is unnerving when I am surrounded with no way out til the water recedes
    I am glad you are making friends, and you always have us here 🙂 I may not be around as much lately so many changes and my gardens are consuming me which is a good thing at the moment…
    Now as I wish you a wonderful day and weekend, I am back to my granddaughters carousel horse
    Take Care Jane…You Matter…
    (beautiful photos )

    Liked by 1 person


    • LadyBlueRose,

      Hi and thank you for taking the time out of your garden and projects to leave a comment. It’s always nice to hear from you. And to know you are also in a flood zone! I guess one must always be prepared because it is indeed unnerving and I like storms too. Yes, I got a great photo of the owl. Yesterday, it came out in the yard and posed, while a neighbor and I went about our business; mine being finding my camera, but we were so close and that owl just stares at us. Maybe city birds are used to people.

      A carousel? That sounds interesting. Do you mean a real one? Your granddaughter is lucky 🙂

      Times are hard lately, so I am online at times, but then am too tired to do anything for long periods. I’m thinking about going camping to get away from the summertime heat here. I can’t do much in heat and get bored. I love the cool mountains though.

      Please come again, maryrose. Thanks for your reminders that I matter. I love that signature message from you.

      Love and Peace,
      Michelle, and my four-legged friend, Ruthie Mae.



  5. Dear Michelle,
    I am sorry you are still feeling so tired.. I am so pleased however that you didn’t get flooded, it must be a worry..
    The photo of the owl is lovely, and an owl turning up is not just bad luck but can mean lots of things..
    Here is a link for one of the animal totems of owl

    Its good to know you have made friends and that your house was protected and blessed in this way.. 🙂
    My thoughts are with you.. Love Sue xoxox

    Liked by 1 person


    • Dear Sue,

      Hello my friend. Thank you for your kind and heart felt sentiment.
      At least, now, I am able to sleep most nights. Not last night, but I’ve had several nights of sleep and for a while there I wondered if that was ever going to happen. I am still tired though.

      Also, I’m grateful and we were blessed that the water didn’t rise higher. I’ve never lived where it flooded, so it was scary. My son remained calm the entire time and Ruthie sure needed that because she keenly senses my anxiety. He has a gift this way.

      The Owl was a spirit animal for me for many years, and then I didn’t see one for a long time. It has returned and with great intensity at times!

      Thanks for the link. It read, “When the owl shows up in your life, pay attention to the winds of change. Perhaps you are about to leave some old habits, a situation that no longer serve you or bring something new in your life.”

      There is a lot of change going on in me. That’s for sure!

      And, a family member is dying, which is sad of course. He’s my uncle who recently became suddenly ill with pneumonia. He’s in critical care now with his family. About three days before he got sick, I had a vision of sorts, or a feeling rather, and afterward, I heard myself say out loud, I want to visit my aunt and uncle while there is still time. Sigh… I did see him several times over the past couple of years though, and I expressed my love. I hope the message got across to him.

      As always, thank you for taking the time to stop here and communicate with me, Sue. I can feel your vibrations across the ocean.

      With well wishes and love,



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