Posts Tagged ‘Vegetables’

Green Healing ~ Plant People and a Bucket of Beets

“That’s a picture right there,” a staff member remarked today when she saw the red bucket of beets. 

Beets in a Bucket!

Green Healing Happening!

She was right and it’s a wonderful image, but the best part is that we each took home a beet or two.  I’ve already eaten a little orange one.  I’ve never seen one that color and wanted to try it right away.  It was great!

We also ate our first carrot today. Yum!  Fresh vegetables taste better than ones that traveled thousands of miles, and it sure feels good to eat food that I helped grow.  It also feels good to see and experience the gift of life from nature.

It seems like most days I meet a garden friend.  I saw a few butterflies and many bees today.  My friend and co-volunteer touches bees and said she once kissed a bee! 

Bee Kisser and Milkweed

She kisses Bees!

The creatures of the gardens always captures the heart of Plant People.  I met the little green guy, pictured below, in a garden behind a restaurant where I had lunch with two friends after group today. 

Garden Friends in Nature

A Green Healing Garden Friend

Today was another good Green Healing day in the Horticulture Therapy gardens.  We were blessed with good food, each of us had something to offer and as always, we shared a mutual kindness and empathy that soothes my spirit and makes me feel a little lighter. 

We ended our day with hope that the newly planted sunflowers will grow big and tall, which will bring smiles to many different faces.  We also planted Loofah seeds!  Isn’t that exciting? 

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